3 Critical Questions you should ask about your life

Asad Ur Rehman
3 min readDec 23, 2020


Admit it, we all wish that we knew ourselves better to make the right decisions. We wish that we don’t screw ourself over and over again and live a purposeful life.

Deep inside, we already know it ourselves. However, we still try to procrastinate to face reality. We indulge in different types of distractions or highs. If you’re doing this lately, don’t worry, you are not alone.

At times when you’re facing a hard time, it isn’t easy. I have often gone through this, and I wondered if there is a way out of this.

After reading several books on self-help and mental health, I learned a vital lesson. Sometimes, you have to step a little back in life and ask yourself important questions.

These questions help you to connect with your deeper self and understand yourself better as a person. These questions are as follows:

sacrifice, meaning of life, hard work, passion

What sacrifice are you willing to make for your dreams?

Everything comes with a price. Every successful person you see in this world was willing to pay the price to get what they deserved. Similarly, if you want to do something meaningful in your life, this is one of the most critical questions to ask yourself.

When I asked this question to myself, I realized that I am willing to sacrifice too much time to use mobile phones and procrastinate.

Instead, I will be proactive and dedicate myself to learn new skills to be a better version of myself. This shift of mindset is what we all need to focus on what’s truly important in our lives and what is not.

What are your core values?

To get where you want to, you have to ask yourself what your core values are. Every successful person lives their life on certain principles such as hard work, persistence, honesty etc. If you want to succeed as a person, you need to adopt these principles. Furthermore, you have to be clear about what you want in your life and what you don’t want.

Photo by Sead Dedić on Unsplash

What are you willing to stand for?

In life, we all stand for some things. If you stand for being truthful, it means that you stand against falsehood. Similarly, you have to question yourself what do you genuinely think of life as a whole? Do you stand for justice, unity or a much greater purpose in your life? All great people in life have some beliefs, and they are willing to stand for it no matter how hard the situation might become.


If you have the answer to these three critical questions, you will be able to figure out what you want to do with your life. Furthermore, you will find a unique meaning of life and fuel to drive action in your life every day.

You will live a life of fulfilment and avoid one of the regrets of dying that most people have, i.e., they wished they had lived up to their full potential of who they indeed were and not what other people wanted them to be.



Asad Ur Rehman

A Digital Marketer who believes in bringing value in every content.