5 Important Components of Digital Marketing

Asad Ur Rehman
3 min readJan 23, 2021


Have you ever wondered why companies are spending so much on digital media platforms for marketing?

The reason is that they know the importance of digital marketing in the modern-day and age. Marketing has evolved a lot since the years, and it is done at a mass level.

There are so many things that are being done online, such as:

· Shopping

· Paying Bills

· Booking Rides

· Ordering food

And much more…

As you can see, the online world is growing bigger and bigger. With the growing demand for all the above things, it is clear that digital is the future. We must accept it to survive as a business owner.

There are several mediums through which digital marketing is conducted, and we will discuss all of these factors in detail.

Let’s dive into them below:

1. Digital Platforms

Digital Platforms are the area that acts as a connector between customers and business owners.

Social media is an excellent example of Digital Platforms. People socialize and browse through different pages and brands to get awareness of the new products.

There are many digital platforms such as:

· Facebook

· Twitter

· LinkedIn

· Youtube

· Google

And the list goes on and on…

Why use it?

It is essential to understand that business on these digital platforms has become crucial. It allows us to reach a greater audience size.

2. Digital Devices

Digital devices are the sources through which we can access these digital platforms. They help us in using digital media for our business and other endeavours.

The example of these digital devices are as follows:

· Mobile

· Laptop

· Television

Why use it?

Digital devices enable us to unlock the potential behind different digital platforms. They are a means for us to access social networks.

3. Digital Media

Digital Media are the different communication channels that can be used to get your message across. Its primary purpose is to build engagement with users. It can be done using the following ways:

· Email Marketing

· Text message marketing

· Search Engine Ads

Why use it?

Email and text messaging are good ways to retarget your customers with new and upcoming offers for your business.

4. Digital technology

Digital technology includes all electronic tools and devices that help people access the data and process it efficiently. It includes new features in our daily lives, such as Artificial Intelligence in different electronic devices. Furthermore, cloud computing has taken storage to an entirely new level. VR (Virtual Reality) is also popular, helping a person get into a new reality.

Why use it?

It helps to better the User Experience for companies. Many companies integrate chatbots in their websites, which help answer people’s questions in a relatively just an instant.

5. Digital Data

Digital data comprises of the data you collect using different marketing techniques like:

· Conducting Surveys

· Free Give-Aways

· Email News Letter Sign Up

And many more

Why use it?

A business needs to build a long list of customers interested in their product to do marketing campaigns to convert their prospects into customers.


Therefore, it is essential to pay heed to all these 5Ds of Digital Marketing to create an effective marketing plan. That marketing plan will help build the reputation of the company and generate leads for upcoming offers.



Asad Ur Rehman

A Digital Marketer who believes in bringing value in every content.